December Amazon Results
I’m a little new to the world of publishing, especially on Amazon. If you’re new to Amazon KEMP or just curious what a first time authors reading uptake is, I’m happy to share my little insight with you.
Firstly, I aimed to launch my first three novella’s in December which I did after a few teething problems. My irst error was uploading the first and second novella at the same time because my second in the series was published on November 31st whilst my first in the series was published on December 2nd. It took me a week or two to add the third by which time I’d realised I could not pay for advertising across Amazon. I did see I could still use the free 5 days of advertising a ‘free’ book, so I scheduled these in across the last few weeks of December and into January. This is how I generated my only readerships so far, that a few posts in my favourite spicy book groups on Facebook.
Ok, results. So, baring in mind I only really got KEMP readers AFTER my ‘Free book promo” which were scattered throughout December:
The Secret Club: KEMP Pages Reads 1,818
The Green Job Board: KEMP Pages Read 1,727
The Amber Job Board: KEMP Pages Read 894
Something to note, I have a little feeling that I managed to get a higher uptake of readers during December because readers were trying to hit their end of year reading goals by reading shorter books. Which was why I really wanted to launch all three finished novellas by December.
Whilst I’m here I should mention the number of orders for each book for the ‘Free Promo’ in December:
The Secret Club: 211
The Green Job Board: 148
The Amber Job Board: 1
Something to note here is that I got the most uptake in the first in the series which makes sense. The Second a few less which could be because of the time of year (between Christmas & New Years). I didn’t schedule in the “free promo’ of The Amber Job Board until January which is why there is only one order - meaning someone actually paid good money for it!
As a wrap up, I was hoping all the 211 people would read the first book and then select KU to read the next ones. And the same goes for the next two stories in the series. It has happened to some degree which is exciting to see. Obliviously not everyone but I’m pretty sure these 5 free days promo was the reason I managed to generate 4,439 pages read for December.